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Topics in this section:
- What causes people to have trouble sleeping?
- The impact of not sleeping
- What can help me sleep better
How long should I be sleeping for each night?
Research shows that in young people, the body needs to sleep for between 8 and 10 hours per night.
- Being really busy with activities, like homework and sport, until late in the evening
- Stimulating activities in the evening, like gaming, T.V., social networking, online videos, mobile apps, and loud music.
- Bright lights in rooms and from screens that stop the body from preparing for sleep
- Health issues, like Restless Legs Syndrome and sleep apnoea
- Having caffeine later in the day (like chocolate, cola, coffee, and energy drinks)
- Having alcohol, cigarettes, cannabis and other drugs
Research shows that in young people, the body needs to sleep for between 8 and 10 hours per night. Not getting enough sleep can have a big impact.
What is the impact of not getting enough sleep?
- Poor concentration
- Low mood
- Over-eating
- Sluggishness
- Clumsiness
- Poor performance at school
- Poor performance at sport and in other hobbies
- Poor memory
- Feeling sick
What can help me sleep better?
Have the same “winding down routine” every night a while before bedtime that includes…
- Going to bed early enough (at least 9 hours before you have to wake up) and at the same time
- No internet, T.V., gaming or loud music before bed
- Having a bath or shower
- Having a warm milky drink
- Limiting your caffeine intake
- Dimming the lights before bed
- Reading a book or magazine
- Keeping the room dark when lights out
- Breathing techniques, meditation or listening to quiet relaxing music in bed
- Writing down your worries or thoughts and letting them go
Having a welcoming space to sleep in…
- Is your bed comfy?
- Have you got clean sheets?
- Do you have comfy pajamas?
- Is the room warm or cool enough?
- Does the room have some fresh air?
- Is it quiet enough? If not, can you use earplugs?
- Is it dark enough? If not, can you use an eyemask?
- Do you only use your bed for sleep? If you watch movies, play games and do homework on your bed, it confuses the brain about what bed is for.
What should I do if I have tried all of this, but still can’t get enough sleep or feel really tired?
- Talk to someone about your problems or things that are worrying you
- Talk to your G.P.
Need to talk to someone?
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