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Student Life

Topics in this section:


Financing your studies


Student support

Building Connections and Staying Balanced

Once you are out of school, it’s important to keep connected and balance all the study with other interests. It’s a great way to meet new people and develop new skills too!

Here are just some ways to stay connected, blow off some steam and meet new people...

  • Clubs at Tertiary Providers: e.g. Martial Arts Club, Christian Club, Hiking Club
  • Group Fitness/Gym Memberships
  • Volunteering Opportunities: or or   
  • Sport and Recreation Centres
  • Community Groups/Hobby Classes: search online or go to your local community notice board or community centre. 

Exam preparation

There is no denying that exam time is stressful! Often the anxiety about the exam is scarier than the exam itself. That said, there are a number of tips and tricks to help get you through...


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