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Helping others
My mate is getting bullied. What can I do to help them?
- Listen to what they are saying, be understanding and let them know you are there for them.
- Let them know it isn’t their fault and they don’t deserve it.
- Support them by encouraging them to get others involved (build their support team).
- Turn the situation around by being an Active Bystander. See below for tips on how to do this.
Being an Active Bystander: Stand up for others
Stopping bullying is EVERYONE’s responsibility. Bullying is not just between the victim and the bully. People who see the bullying going on or know it’s happening play a really important part in it.
Where do you stand?
Are you…
Making it worse:
Getting the bully to start something, joining in on the bullying, praising the bully or watching and doing nothing or walking away.
Making it better:
Telling the bully to stop, standing up for the victim, distracting the bully, staying or sitting with the victim, holding their hand, getting help from your peers, from teachers and other adults.
As a bystander, it’s also important to stay safe and avoid violence.
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Kia ora - tamariki ma
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