Your Mind
Are you depressed?
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Your Mind
Are you depressed?
Everyone experiences times when they feel down and sad, such feelings can be a normal response to losing a loved one, experiencing a relationship break up or changing schools. Depression is more than just feeling low for a short period of time, it is when someone feels hopeless and like there’s nothing that will help them feel better for extended periods. Depression can impact on someone’s sleeping, eating and exercise habits and may affect their relationships with family and friends and ability to focus at school or in their work.
If you think you might have depression or that someone you know may be depressed, it is important for you to know that you are not alone and that depression is common and impacts many people at one point in their life. As hard as it may seem to work your way out of it and reach out and get support, there are lots of things that you can do to help yourself and places and people you can talk to, to get help.
If you are wondering if you might be depressed, take the self-quiz below. Please note, this is just a quiz and so it won’t give you a diagnosis as that is a doctor’s job, but it can help you to understand some of the warning signs and link you to places and people that can help you.
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